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directed by Duda Gorter

"Fantaisie impromptu - a prologue" is a twenty minute short film that tells the story of Laura, a middle-aged woman, who is a piano teacher, but seems to be unsatisfied with her life and marriage. The first thing one will notice about this film is the music that plays an important part right from the very beginning. Being carefully picked and always providing an extra feeling of tension, the soundtrack meticulously contributes to the main atmosphere of each scene. It never becomes intrusive, being a pure delight during the two short piano concerts that Laura assists throughout the film. Every time someone starts playing at the piano, it seems that nothing else matters. Everything stops for a couple of moments, leaving the impression that you’re right there, in a grandiose concert hall, listening to that old lady that plays so magnificently as it gives the audience a rush of emotions.


The project excels both technically and artistically: using a very much on point cinematography with a beautiful framework, the editing uses quick alternations between shots of some underwater scenes that join in perfect harmony with the central plot of the film. The main merit is the creation of a certain atmosphere that draws the viewers attention to the character’s disturbed feelings. She tries to escape from her daily routine  and the music seem to be the only factor that makes her feel better and forget for a moment about the rest of the world.


However, at some point she has to face the reality. The opening of an envelope suddenly turns the film’s mood into a dramatic one and this is further punctuated by the sound mixing and the editing as well, making the audience empathise with the character’s sorrowful situation. It’s a film well worth seeing and especially listening, because the soundtrack is a real gem that waits to be found and cherished at its real value.

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